Day4: Men's FS (Senior)Opening Ceremony (スケーターを探せ)


Day4: Men's FS (Jr.)


なんか、ゴタゴタしていてJrまで辿り着くのが、滅茶苦茶カメになってしまい、すみません〜。<まだレポ終わってなかったのか?オリンピック直前なのにKY?(笑)さてさて、私達が今大会最後に観たのは、バンクーバー後の雨男子を担う(?)かもしれないJr。あの選手がSPで3位に付け、表彰台を守り通せるのか?それとも15歳コンビが大逆襲するのか?と楽しみだったわけですが、結果はやはり只者ではない15歳コンビ、凄かったっす。(笑)(15歳コンビというのは、Jason Brown君とJoshua Farris君の事です。)jason3

最終グループは、割と皆いい演技が続いたんだよね。あの選手は、相変わらずスタミナが課題。やはりあの選手をモロ蔵かミーシンの所に送りたいなぁ…。続く私の(笑)Jason Brownは、くるみ〜のパ・ド・ドゥ:これセクショナルでも素晴らしくて、Liveで観るのが楽しみだったんですが、素晴らしかった。滑りのタイプとしては、アダム君+S.ハミルトンって感じかなぁ?彼も小技が上手で、ハイドロ、イナバウワー、バレエジャンプ等とっても素敵で、萌え燃え。特にイナバウワーの時の腕のExtensionとか、音にピッタリでウワーッってくらいにツボ過ぎ。全米の動画は貼れないので、彼の12月のEXでのくるみ〜の動画を代わりにペタリ。
他に印象に残ってるのは、Scott Dyer君の韃靼人。彼は、スピンがとっても上手で大盛り上がり。そして、Jasonがいい演技をしたので、こっちも来るかな?と思っていたら、やはりきたジョッシュ君。こちらも素晴らしい演技。ちなみにジョッシュ君は、若い頃のワイリー様に顔がそっくりよね。(笑)滑りの感じは、Jeremy先生っぽいかな?ジョッシュ君、リズム感はJason程良くないけど、彼なりに音楽を感じて、体全体でよく表現していて好感を持ちました。もう3Aも跳べるしね。後は、姿勢がもう少し良くなれば。<姿勢厨 (彼の全米FSは、某動画サイトにあるので、興味のある人は、彼の名前で検索してみてちょ。) 表彰式でも、15歳二人がお子様同士何やら話しをしていて、可愛かったー。来季JGPが楽しみな2人。

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I've been looking high and low, and it seems that most liberal arts schools are populated by heavy drinkers and partiers, which I am not interested in. If I can, I'd like to double major in creative writing and journalism.. Thank you!.
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I want to start an anonymous advice blog, will it show up in google search if people try to search their problem?.
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I use a micro SD card between my laptop and netbook as an external hardrive for my class files. I often download files on one computer or the other without the drive in that computer. Is it possible to set my computer up so that when I insert my drive my computer automatically updates the folder on my removable drive with the folder on my computer?.
40. Posted by mac   2014年06月15日 05:21
My bestfriend and I want to create a blogging site, but we dont know which one to use. We basically will just be uploading random stuff about anything but we want the site to be fun and decorative, not just a plain layout..
41. Posted by world cup 2014   2014年06月15日 16:23
What blogging site can I start a blog and actually get viewers or subscribers?
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Also, what degrees (if anyone) would be required to be an independent creative writing teacher?.
43. Posted by cai dat bong88   2014年06月16日 17:32
I am visiting Hollins University very soon because I've researched all the aspects of the english/creative writing department and love it to death. But I am looking for a couple good safety schools with the same strenghts. Any ideas?.
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46. Posted by laina   2014年06月17日 19:55
Actually, I?m a blog starter. I just want more people to visit my blog to make me a popular blog. I?m capable of writing, and I know writing skill is a must. But is there any other way to make my blog more popular?.
47. Posted by Work Examiner employee monitoring   2014年06月18日 13:16
can anyone give me copyright guidelines pertaining to getting articles from other sites.?
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50. Posted by Reverse Phone Lookup   2014年06月20日 06:17
I put a WordPress blog on my website a few days ago, and I was just curious about how it works. So I just want to know if all the posts are saved into a single file or if they are separate for each post. Then I also want to know where they can be found on my server. Thanks.
51. Posted by Reverse Phone Lookup   2014年06月20日 09:41
How do Microsoft and the owners of Firefox make money? Google is planning to create a browser also to compete with them called "chrome". I was wondering where does the source of revenue come in? There are no ads, etc. These programs are free..
52. Posted by additional reading   2014年06月21日 02:52
Thing is, I've just migrated to Wordpress. However, I have a number of people who have subscribed to my feeds from my blogger blog. What should I do to ensure that they now receive updates from my Wordpress blog? . . FYI, I have a feedburner account..
53. Posted by how o block websites   2014年06月21日 15:03
Hey I was wondering if anyone could tell me which universities are the best (anywhere) for creative writing? I'm not interested in any universities in ontario because they dont offer the type of courses I want. I was also wondering if maybe there are schools specifically for creative writing? Please help me out, I have to apply in Dec, and I have no idea where I'm going, I just know that I want to write, because writing is my life, and I cant see myself doing anything else. Thanks..
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Is getting a Masters Degree in Creative Writing a waste of time?
55. Posted by found at   2014年06月23日 10:12
Does anyone know how you get those customised backgrounds on wordpress. All i can seem to get is the ones they provide. Can someone help me pleaseeeeeeeeeee?.
56. Posted by contact plando   2014年06月23日 17:25
I have a WordPress blog and what I need is to rotate my blog posts over and over with a preset time interval. And also I'd like to shuffle my posts. Would RSS feeds pick up the rotated blog posts as new ones? Does someone have this PHP code? Thanks.
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59. Posted by WEB SITE   2014年06月24日 09:29
Almost three years ago, my old computer had many bad viruses and bad pop-ups. I have some files left on that computer and I did not see them for almost three years ago. I wonder I will like to see my old files again that I can connect to my new computer to old computer. That is problem that I am afraid which bad viruses will come to my new one from old one. Please let me know how I can get my old files move from my old computer to my new computer without bring bad viruses to my new one?.
60. Posted by appropriate technology projects   2014年06月24日 11:37
I need to know how to view my posts or comments on other peoples blogs. Is there anywhere I could go to get a list of all my posts? . . Any help appreciated..
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Can one become a partner on YouTube with copyright content on their page?
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If my background image was labeled for commercial reuse can I claim copyright on all other content?
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How do I create a feed of the comments I add to others' blog posts?
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I am new to blogging. What website is good for blogging for a summer reading book assignment?
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I want to start a website to post merchandise from home. Would a blog be fine? Or are there free sources for creating websites?.
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What information technologies could we use to make it easier to keep track of when new blog posts were made and which blog posts we had read and which we haven't read? Please be precise.
67. Posted by Driving Lessons Rathgar   2014年06月26日 00:15
I am working on consolodating my online brand and identity. How to i set my blog up to receive the comments i post on others blogs or the questions I answer on Yahoo Answers or Linked in Q&A? . . What do I have to do when i comment or answer on others sites to ensure it improves my SEO?.
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How can you make your blog posts visible to only you on Yahoo! Pulse?
69. Posted by cara membuat situs   2014年06月26日 03:53
We have learned a great deal about recovering from narcotic addiction and have found several methods that work well. This is information drug treatment programs would not want out since it would cause them to lose a large number of patients. Would it be better to start with a blog or a website? We eventually hope to make this into an alternative business that would help people get of methadone clinics. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as there is a dire need for this information. Thank you..
70. Posted by 體團   2014年06月26日 08:03
Can a blog really be that helpful? What type of content should a business blog have? If there are any blog experts out there please help me out. What are some good companies to set up a blog with? And any other general/specific information on setting up a blog for a business....
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I'm trying to use software to erase the information on my old computer before donating it. The mouse is not working on the computer. I've tried another mouse on the computer and it still will not work. I need to reboot my computer in order to start the disc wiper. Is there a way of rebooting my computer without a mouse? Thanks so much!.
72. Posted by koleksi cerita romantis   2014年06月26日 22:28
Where are some good places to get good free blogger templates?. I know of pyzam but I would like to search others, what are some good sites?.
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What computer software do you need to make business cards from a personal computer?
74. Posted by Kisi-Kisi UN SMP   2014年06月28日 03:41
If my background image was labeled for commercial reuse can I claim copyright on all other content?
75. Posted by how stock market works   2014年06月28日 04:50
Is it possible to hide certain blog posts on Blogger? If so, how?. . I know that I can save my post as a draft, or have it scheduled, but what I need is to hide my post for a giveaway but still have certain followers be able to access it through a link.. . So it needs a url in blogger before I actually show all my followers, please help!.
76. Posted by contoh arsitektur rumah   2014年06月28日 11:17
How do I export my Blogspot blogs to my Weebly blog?
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79. Posted by Kesalahan Dala   2014年06月29日 05:22
I have a Joomla website and already set up a Google Analytics account, now how do I add the code to my website so that it will keep track of visitors etc to every page? Thanks!.
80. Posted by trading on line   2014年06月29日 05:35
I am a business man dealing in direct marketing. I need to start a blog for my business purposes. For this I hope I do not have to have an exclusive web site. Kindly advise about books where the fundamentals are explained..
81. Posted by online baju   2014年06月29日 09:35
In general, how many blog posts have images out of all the blog posts in all blogs?. I'm looking for an average number for the US and worldwide..
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I'm not the owner of the site or of the copyrights, but it's very clear to me that this website is violating many copyrights. Is there a way I can report it under the DMCA? Thanks!.
83. Posted by web   2014年06月29日 12:50
Whats a good website to start a blog on (a free one), and how would i do that?.
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How do I start blogging and make money at the same time?
85. Posted by baju baju wanita model terbaru   2014年06月29日 19:39
I have been told to improve your creative writing you need to read a lot.. What great classic books, can I read (from any period or country) that will improve my writing.. Genre is unimportant, though I am not writing for children.. I said classic, I read science fiction/recent literature as entertainment. But to improve the quality of writing, read the masters. Can any one write a list of great writers to read..
86. Posted by bakteri jerawat   2014年06月29日 23:23
I know anything you write is technically copyrighted, but I'm not sure how you could prove that it was your original material..
87. Posted by cara menghilangkan jerawat dengan cepat   2014年06月30日 04:43
I'm working on company shopping website that uses joomla as its server (if that's the correct word). . Someone uploaded files with spaces and apostrophes in the wrong folder and Joomla won't let me delete them in the usual way.. . How can I delete these files (or edit the file names so that they can then be deleted as normal)?. . I posted this question on the Joomla message board but so far no luck..
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What are some creative writing games to use for junior high students?
89. Posted by tanah abang baju muslim   2014年06月30日 16:43
I am 20 years old and interested in starting a blog, but I'm not sure where I should (what site) or how to start. I have so many interests(fashion, politics,football,acting,etc) so I'd like a journal like blog that I can write about anything and everything. Please weigh in..
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Is there any sites which offer unpublished articles free for copyright?Free to print and publish in our name?
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I want to protect some of the original writing on my website & was wondering how to do this.... a)Can I put the Copyright notation on it without revealing my real name? . b)How do I have proof that it is my original work? How about saving the writing in MS Word?. c)Is there any point in copyrighting the articles/website?.
94. Posted by 移動社交APP   2014年07月01日 07:29
I'm a freshman in college and I was planning on majoring in Computer Engineering, but unfortunately it doesn't really seem too interesting to me, especially all the computer programming. I'm considering changing my major to Computer Science except I don't really know what kind of career a degree in Computer Science will get me. So what is the difference between the two? Please help me out, I don't really have too much time to ask the advisers at my university, so any help would be appreciated..
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For my Creative Writing class we have to write a short story, I really want to write some thing along the lines of Columbine, but I'm worried about the reaction of my teacher. As far as I know, he has no personal history with the idea, but ... I don't know. What would you want to see out of a short story for a creative writing class?.
97. Posted by disain rumah minimalis   2014年07月01日 22:59
What blogging site can I start a blog and actually get viewers or subscribers?
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How do I allow contributors to see only their uploads in Wordpress?
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Can you access a computer from the iPod touch without installing anything onto the computer?
107. Posted by grosir tanah abang baju anak   2014年07月03日 08:15
I have just gotten a blog on blogspot. People comment me and I was wondering how you comment back to them without e-mailing or going to their blog. .
108. Posted by become a real estate agent   2014年07月03日 11:59
How do you protect your website's content from copyright infringement?
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What is the best software to design websites and blogs?
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How to make a spoiler button in blogger blog posts ?
113. Posted by usaha online 2014   2014年07月04日 13:43
I want to create my own website but I have no experience. A classmate recommended me to instead create a blog so that I can get experience. . What free blog site should I use?. Any tips?.
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115. Posted by supplier wig murah   2014年07月04日 18:16
I want to start website very soon but I need to know certain costs. What factors did you have to pay for when you started up our website?. . How much was a website designer?. How much was your domain name?. What is your monthly rent for the domain name?. How much do you pay to servers per month?. How much does it cost you now?. Any additional fees?. . I'd love to hear all different answers and please give any advice if you can. 10 Points best answer!.
116. Posted by trade the forex   2014年07月04日 21:19
Confused about Copyright policies from sites that let you 'digg' articles?
117. Posted by peluang usaha dirumah dengan modal kecil   2014年07月05日 00:05
Can i protect my blog content copyright without registering it to copyright departmen? please help?
118. Posted by cegah jerawat   2014年07月05日 07:04
I don't know what "Wordpress" is but if it has something to do with the way I can have automatic updates of new posts from my blog posted in my Twitter, than I'd like to know more about it.. . Please & Thank you. * My blog is a Blogspot / Blogger blog..
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122. Posted by had me going   2014年07月05日 16:42
I deleted my Blogspot account some time ago. However, I saved the link from the blog and it appears to still be active. I don't understand what I did wrong. I cannot get to the blog by typing in the original address, but I can by following the link. I want this thing permanently deleted. Can anyone tell me how to do that?.
123. Posted by khasiat sari kurma untuk wanita hamil   2014年07月05日 17:23
I started writing a book, and I wanted to put the chapters of the book on a different blog then my other less thrilling post. I don't know how to, though,.
124. Posted by konsep diri dan prestasi akademik   2014年07月06日 03:08
I have a MacBook computer and I want my pictures that are on my computer to be on my Motorola Razr 2 v9. I have a memory card and a memory card adapter. When I put the card in the adapter, the computer recognizes it. And the pictures that I have on my phone can transfer to the computer with no problem. But the pictures on my computer won't transfer to my phone. All that shows up is a big red "x" on a black screen. Am I doing something wrong? The phone company is AT&T..
125. Posted by khutbah idul fitri singkat dan padat   2014年07月06日 05:55
How do you get your blog published on the Amnesty International site?
126. Posted by grosir baju wanita murah   2014年07月06日 07:33
I made a website using joomla and I have a domain and a server, the problem is whenever I go to that domain the site is still unviewable. Does onybody know how to help me out?.
127. Posted by kisah nyata khasiat al mabruroh   2014年07月06日 11:19
How can I copyright all original content current and future on my website?
128. Posted by plando on android   2014年07月06日 16:24
How can I best copyright protect stories and articles on my writing website? I know you can insert a copyright symbol, but can this COMPLETELY protect against somebody copying and pasting your stuff and claiming that it is theirs?.
129. Posted by model baju lurik wanita   2014年07月07日 00:40
I have been blogging since last month, my blog was indexed already in google but during the test i conducted, i search for a certain keyword related on my blog but it only shows the blog title and it directs me to the homepage not on the actual post. Need help!!!.
130. Posted by alcohol rehab center   2014年07月07日 04:06
Does everyone like blogspot or is there a better way to go?
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My Firefox stopped working saying the server wasn't found but Internet Explorers still works. I used to use firefox all the time but only recently it stopped working. I already checked the firewall and it allows firefox so i don't know what's wrong..
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How can I get blogspot updates on my Twitter feed?
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I just bought business plan pro, but I still don't quite understand how to estimate/compute the start-up costs for starting a business, in my case an online business at that. Is there a website that can assist me? Any suggestions? Thanks.
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How to upload a wordpress backup on to a site?
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I have a domain name bought, but i havent had time to make the website look nice. i want to forward the website url to my blogspot blog for the time being. how do i do this?.
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I am interested in advertising a new social networking site. I have never wrote a Blog before. How should I write this? . And where do I go to write a Blog. This is all new to me and I want to start rocking.. Thanks..
137. Posted by become a real estate agent   2014年07月08日 21:05
I have a Blogger blog that is hooked up to my personal website. The actual blog is linked off of the homepage. I would like to know if there's a widget or something that I can put on my website's homepage that will show my latest blog posts. Not the whole post, but maybe just the headline and a link to go to my blog..
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I have a degree in psychology, which I have found to be useless. And I am planning on going back to school and getting a Masters in Creative Writing, because I enjoy writing and would love to learn more techniques to make myself a better writer. I am worried, however, that this degree will not open up many doors in terms of the job market (just as my psychology degree has failed to do). Any thoughts? Thank you..
139. Posted by philip pun   2014年07月09日 08:49
I am apart of a commitee that is trying to start a clothing company. I am in charge of designing the clothing website because for right now you can only order stuff online. But I was just wondering how do you start a website for a clothing company? What are some good domain places to sign up for a domain..
140. Posted by toko baju online bandung   2014年07月09日 11:11
Im based in London have worked as a secretary for more than 10 years and have an HND in Business Studies but am tired of admin work and office politics and would like to do something more creative- change careers.. . I write in my spare time and have attended an advanced writing course for the past 3 years. I like reading and would like to see if I could train to teach creative writing in further education or and English /English literature. I would also be grateful if I could get any info on what qualifications you need to be able to teach English as a first language and Basic literacy skills.. . Thanks. Any advice would be great regarding training in London..
141. Posted by severe anxiety   2014年07月09日 21:45
There so many different computer tech stuff like Computer Programming, Computer Support Specialists, Computer Systems Analysts. I just want to know what it would be to go work on computers like store or business computers mess up or like tearing computer apart and repairing them. what would them be called?.
142. Posted by small business consultant   2014年07月10日 06:54
I'm wondering how will I make my blog in blogspot available via google web search? I've seen some blogs that can easily be googled but mine won't show in google at all..
143. Posted by alcohol rehabilitation centers   2014年07月10日 07:57
I'd like to start blogging but I have no idea which website to use? Which ones are the best?.
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How can I make a personalized banner for a blogspot blog?
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Can Wordpress host a guide to a mmorpg game with probably hundreds of pages?
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How do I transfer current joomla files over to yahoo web hosting?
147. Posted by marketing mail   2014年07月11日 05:32
I have a blog using Blogspot. I would like to ban a specific person from viewing and/or commenting. I am not looking to make the entire blog password-protected or moderate comments. I just want to ban a specific IP address. How can I do this?.
148. Posted by engineered flooring   2014年07月11日 12:39
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149. Posted by conferencing providers   2014年07月11日 12:49
I have two computers: I call one the "good" computer -- it has two monitors. The other is my "junk" computer with one screen where I download a lot of stuff to it.. . If I wanted to continue using both computers but only with the dual monitors, what would I need to buy? Is there some sort of splitter I can buy that will allow me to switch between each CPU? Where can I buy one if it does in fact exist? Will I still be able to use one mouse and keyboard?.
150. Posted by leboncoin   2014年07月11日 16:28
How do I copyright the content on my web site?
151. Posted by hilangkan jerawat batu dengan cepat   2014年07月11日 17:44
I want to put the advertisements in blogger, so I can get payments?.
152. Posted by newsletter script   2014年07月12日 04:54
How do I convert my website from dreamweaver to wordpress?
153. Posted by beats for sale   2014年07月12日 07:17
I just discovered using Joomla for dynamic website design but feel the limitation on use of templates is a major minus. I think it should be possible to use my own template in the design. Anyone help?.
154. Posted by baju butik wanita   2014年07月12日 21:48
How to insert Dynamic Drive codes and scripts on my Joomla site?
155. Posted by alzheimers walk   2014年07月12日 23:51
What information technologies could we use to make it easier to keep track of when new blog posts were made a?
156. Posted by belanja online baju   2014年07月13日 16:49
I'm new to blogging and I am using Tumblr. I want to make sure no one obtains my content or background images and pictures. If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Thanks!.
157. Posted by seasonal allergy symptoms   2014年07月13日 16:59
I am looking for a great blogging website, but there are just too many! I am actually looking for a website that's free and there can be many bloggers on one site. For example, I created a blog and people who I choose (friends and family) can easily start blogging on the site. If I could easily update it from my iPod touch that would be nice. And if I could personalize easily. (Have my own logo and background) Note this is not mandatory! Thank You's ahead!.
158. Posted by lebon coin   2014年07月14日 06:25
In general, how many blog posts have images out of all the blog posts in all blogs?. I'm looking for an average number for the US and worldwide..
159. Posted by limousine service chicago   2014年07月14日 16:27
I deleted my Blogspot account some time ago. However, I saved the link from the blog and it appears to still be active. I don't understand what I did wrong. I cannot get to the blog by typing in the original address, but I can by following the link. I want this thing permanently deleted. Can anyone tell me how to do that?.
160. Posted by boncoin   2014年07月14日 19:26
Is a URL for copyrighted web content also covered by the copyright?
161. Posted by become a real estate agent   2014年07月14日 22:51
What is the easiest blog site to use? I also need one that you can post pics to from your cell phone?
162. Posted by bamboo flooring   2014年07月15日 07:25
Hi! I really need some help and ideas for my creative writing assignment. We have to mimic the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. We have to have 5 diverse characters (so far I have a brunette young woman who is a musician from NJ) and they are going on a pilgrimage to NYC. They have to be diverse based on gender, class, race, and occupation and where they are coming from. Then they have to each tell a story. I am having a lot of problems being creative with them. I really have no idea where to start. I would really appreciate any ideas. Thanks!.
163. Posted by debt consolidation   2014年07月15日 12:47
My bestfriend and I want to create a blogging site, but we dont know which one to use. We basically will just be uploading random stuff about anything but we want the site to be fun and decorative, not just a plain layout..
164. Posted by tas vintage denim   2014年07月15日 16:57
I'm an experienced pro author (of science fiction) based in the UK, and I'm looking into setting up a creative writing course at a local arts centre focused on sf and fantasy. Are there any resources out there in book form or otherwise I might find useful in teaching about both science fiction/fantasy and creative writing in general?.
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166. Posted by toko baju kantor wanita   2014年07月16日 01:50
I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
167. Posted by consumer health reports   2014年07月16日 03:08
What should I do to get rid of the blockage of video on youtube due to copyright content?
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How can I change to fluid width in the New Blogger Template Designer?
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What's a good site to post creative writing for others to comment on?
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I want to start a review blog. My friend and I would be reviewing books, games, toys etc..
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I am giving a speech on social networking sites and need to mention a top blogging site. If someone could mention one for me, I would really appreciate it!.
172. Posted by ocean spring bed   2014年07月16日 20:42
I've been thinking of moving from Joomla to Wordpress because it's much easier to use and much more convenient. But the problem is I have many posts, and I don't know what to do... since I'm not a programmer or anything.. . How can I migrate from Joomla to Wordpress?.
173. Posted by beli tempat tidur murah   2014年07月16日 20:42
I am running a small computer repair business in rural Ireland and would like to expand into doing low small, low cost, high quiltiy wordpress brochure websites for other small businesses.. . How can I find outsourcing partners abroad, that I can just simply email the content to, and have them create, small, 5 or 6 page unique wordpress sites for me at a rate of 1 per week?.
174. Posted by debt consolidation   2014年07月17日 10:31
Is there a copyright or anything on content in Youtube videos?
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I made a website using joomla and I have a domain and a server, the problem is whenever I go to that domain the site is still unviewable. Does onybody know how to help me out?.
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Like videos on the internet. I think people should have to have proof, cause there are a lot of trolls, you know people with no life that have nothing better to do than screw things up for everyone else..
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The template I made doesn't have any code in it about the navbar. I'd like to bring it back. What code do I put in to show the Navbar in blogger?.
184. Posted by Cara Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit   2014年07月18日 17:32
How do I use my wordpress theme on my regular subpages?
185. Posted by Dinas kesehatan   2014年07月18日 18:44
I want to start a blog written by a fictitious character commenting on politics, current events, news etc..How?.
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I have my own blog and might bid on projects to blog for others. I believe there are some guidelines out there around what is allowed or not regarding images posted on public blogs (such as copyright rules, licensing, or trademarks). Is there anywhere to go to find industry guidelines for blog post images?.
188. Posted by Makna Ekonomi   2014年07月18日 23:37
Thing is, I've just migrated to Wordpress. However, I have a number of people who have subscribed to my feeds from my blogger blog. What should I do to ensure that they now receive updates from my Wordpress blog? . . FYI, I have a feedburner account..
189. Posted by natural health store online   2014年07月19日 00:31
I'm wanting to look at blogs containing music I like, but sifting through all the detached, outdated and crap blogs is a hassle. . I know there are thousands of blogs, is there a good resource to seek out the preferred ones?.
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I want to create a blogspot of my own and want to earn some money from that. Is possible?.
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I need as much suggestions as possible. The more the better. I haven't had the chance to sit and really go over the process. Again, looking for some answers where I can start blogging immediately..
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I have a website idea that i know will make me money, i just don't know what to do and where to start..
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I want to be able to write entries and add pics. I do not mean something like myspace or facebook or anything like that. I mean an actual blog. .
196. Posted by website design houston   2014年07月19日 23:38
I want to use the WayBackMachine to try to retrieve my old Yahoo! 360 Blog posts, but I don't know what the URL format was. So far I am coming up empty. Anybody have an example URL that I can use to reconstruct a valid URL for my old blog? Thanks!.
197. Posted by colocation los angeles   2014年07月20日 02:02
I would like to be a creative writing professor, but I can no find out exactly what they do. I love to write, and to help other people become better writers, so that is why I want to become a creative writing/english professor. Does this fit with the profession? What is the life of such a professor like?.
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I want to start a website to post merchandise from home. Would a blog be fine? Or are there free sources for creating websites?.
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I would like the steps, ideas, or websites that can help me start a website that I can make money off of companies advertising on it? Any help websites or ideas on how to start one and what I need to start one.. . Much appreciated..
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201. Posted by split air conditioners   2014年07月20日 15:30
I'd like to be able to tag blogs I like and have them show on my website. Any suggestions on the best route to take on this. Any input would be helpful..
202. Posted by novoline   2014年07月20日 21:58
How do I easily integrate my wordpress blog on my Joomla site?
203. Posted by check my credit score   2014年07月21日 03:39
I have a domain that is redirecting it views to my main site. I want to build a wordpress site on that domain but i cant access my admin for wordpress because it just redirects me to my main site. I don't want to take my domain off redirect until the wordpress site is done. So what do i do?. It is redirected thru my registrar. How would i login with my IP?.
204. Posted by how to cure tmj   2014年07月21日 12:30
Just curious if there are any blogging websites where I can start a blog that aren't as well known.. I am already aware of sites like blogger, wordpress, livejournal, xanga, vox, etc. . . Are there any up and coming blogging websites possibly?.
205. Posted by health food stores online   2014年07月21日 15:50
Do you blog? Do you blog to advertise items you are selling? I am rather new to the blogging world. I mainly blog to advertise products that I am selling and websites that I am selling on. How do I get traffic to my blog? Do I basically just need to add content? Does my blog get picked up in the search? Any advice on blogging is very much needed.. Hello, yes I mention it on my twitter account and also my other web-sites..
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I need to know how to view my posts or comments on other peoples blogs. Is there anywhere I could go to get a list of all my posts? . . Any help appreciated..
208. Posted by novoline   2014年07月21日 21:29
How do i build a blog without using blogger or any of those websites?
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If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google?
211. Posted by green smoke   2014年07月22日 06:32
For instance, major music stores like iTunes are not available in Asia and US TV networks which let viewers see programmes on their website don't make such programmes available to viewers outside the US. This is even if people are willing to pay to download or see the content.. Isn't an online store or channel where content is legitimately distributed globally possible?. If the government is responsible for restricting distribution, which government are we talking about? The government in the country where the content is produced or the government in the country where the content is to be imported to?.
212. Posted by tas wanita lv murah   2014年07月22日 08:55
A) it is acceptable to use copyrighted material for economic gain as long as proper credit is given to the author.. . B) all original work located on the Internet is to be considered copyrighted.. . C) only items marked with the ? symbol are considered copyrighted.. . D) all Internet content is free for anyone to use..
213. Posted by makanan pelancar asi   2014年07月22日 10:02
How many blog post should i have before i start promoting it?
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215. Posted by los angeles colocation   2014年07月22日 14:40
What should I do to get rid of the blockage of video on youtube due to copyright content?
216. Posted by Cara Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran   2014年07月22日 16:21
How to delete comment that I have approved to published on blogger?
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Au premier coup d'oeil, on l'aime Karl. On ne peut qu'admirer son hyperactivite, son gout de la beaute, son oeil petillant que l'on devine sous ses grandes lunettes noires portees en toutes circonstances. Mais creusons un peu, allons voir plus loin.
219. Posted by jual tas ransel kulit   2014年07月23日 00:20
I am new to web designing and it made me more confused when I stumble into this content-management-system thing. I'm planning to update a site that is not designed using JOOMLA and was wondering if I can use Joomla to update it..
220. Posted by room air conditioner   2014年07月23日 03:43
What is the best short or from home creative writing course available in London?
221. Posted by led flutlicht   2014年07月23日 03:56
I'm not great with html, but I think there's a simple way to add a byline to the beginning of my blog posts under the title. Is there anywhere I can find a step-by-step guide on how to do this?. The blog is set up on Wordpress, and is using the pilcrow theme - I hope this helps?.
222. Posted by tas wanita guci   2014年07月23日 04:33
I am going to be a junior in high school in a month when school starts and I want to start looking at schools. I am really interested in creative writing and literature. What are some good schools for that? I also want to study philosophy. . . Thanks!.
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How to make my second blog my default one on Tumblr?
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A computer starts somewhere. It starts with a bios and a CPU and a motherboard ect... When we code that computer to pump out a random number, what makes it pick the number it picks? Exactly the same computer sits beside it's identical and they both pick different 1st random numbers. Is the Bios fed a seed during construction and every new bios gets a different seed? Those of us that have worked with random numbers know what a seed is. So why does my computer give a number between 100 and 1000 as 756, but yours gives, 537? Is that not a form of intelligence beyond that of artificial? We gave the computer the ability to give random numbers, but what makes it give or pick that random number when in reality it has no 'will' to decide. Why 3 and not 4, when it favours nothing? Even with a seed, what makes it choose 5 with this seed but 7 with that seed? Where in the ruels of life does it say that, with this seed equaling 756395837 in that computer, 1st random # will be this?.
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229. Posted by los angeles colocation   2014年07月24日 15:30
I have a diet blog i just started, i have about 3 posts, someone said i should start promoting i now. I thought i should wait until i had at least 10 posts and feedback from a few people in various forums before I promote it so maybe in 2 weeks. What do you think?.
230. Posted by Driving Lessons   2014年07月25日 01:25
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I don't really like livejournal or xanga. I already have both of those. I was going to try deadjournal because I read on here that it was really good, but I don't want to have to pay for it and you have to have an invite code to get in free. Does anybody have an invite code they could give me, or a suggestion on another free blogging website I could try? Any information would be helpful..
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242. Posted by neurontin for dogs   2014年07月26日 23:46
I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It's already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?.
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Fair use provisions of the copyright law allow for limited copying or distribution of published works without the author's permission in some cases. Examples of fair use of copyrighted materials include quotation of excerpts in a review or critique, or copying of a small part of a work by a teacher or student to illustrate a lesson.. . This is what a i found somewhere.. So can i upload short excerpts of copyrighted content there?.
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I want to be able to customize a wordpress themes to make them look a bit more origional. I know you can change the colors, etc. But i want to be able to change the size of the boxes and such. I like iblog and am looking for something similar but the free version is very limited and i cant afford to buy the full version. Does anyone know of any good free themes to install?.
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316. Posted by model batik untuk kerja   2014年08月16日 22:03
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We have learned a great deal about recovering from narcotic addiction and have found several methods that work well. This is information drug treatment programs would not want out since it would cause them to lose a large number of patients. Would it be better to start with a blog or a website? We eventually hope to make this into an alternative business that would help people get of methadone clinics. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as there is a dire need for this information. Thank you..
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What are the core or basic lessons taught Writing classes? One of the first things I learned about was Freytags Pyramid. I was told that isn't an across the board learning device. So what is? I'm really curious. In poetry I was taught, 'if it means too many things to too many people it misses it's mark'. I have since learned that good writing tends to bring out different reactions in different people and different interpretations. How can learning about creative writing (creativity is so individualized) be standardized?.
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I'm going to do a presentation about thebillboard website . I need some informations about how is started ? and if there is a story behind its starting , and I need to know why it's important for the media's life ? Alos, what does it do ?.
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I like to collect information from various sites. There are time when I like few points while reading a site. I would like to blog my findings. Will I face a copyright issue if i directly copy paste the few points from other sites? I have seen the usage of "source". If i mention the source, will it help?.
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How can I insert a tag cloud into my blog @ blogspot? I try using the gadget options but I can't find a 3rd party one listed. Can someone please show we where to get one and how to install it?.
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331. Posted by jasa pindah rumah di bekasi   2014年08月23日 08:23
Im curious about how much it costs to start websites such as Facebook or Twitter. I have been thinking about starting a website for a while now, but i feel as though the initial prices that website design firms give you are for a very low tech and sparsely populated website..
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I want to start website very soon but I need to know certain costs. What factors did you have to pay for when you started up our website?. . How much was a website designer?. How much was your domain name?. What is your monthly rent for the domain name?. How much do you pay to servers per month?. How much does it cost you now?. Any additional fees?. . I'd love to hear all different answers and please give any advice if you can. 10 Points best answer!.
336. Posted by tas cantik murah   2014年08月24日 10:47
I really want to start a blog about Fashion and cute things for girls. But I can't seem to know how to start it. I'm not that confident because I'm not sure if it'll have potential like other blogs. I also don't know if what I post should keep up with Fashion trends or be my style. Another thing, how do I give myself that inspiration to post every week? Should I research trends and cute things and write paragraphs on it or keep it short? Help!.
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And how do you garner a lot of traffic?. . I want to make a blog regarding my "adventure" with a little thing people like to call the entertainment industry. I want to include photos, experiences tips, and stories is that enough or?? And should i make my on blog or use something like blogger or flat press?.
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I want to create a custom Wordpress theme, but I don't have administrative access to the computer that I'm using, so I can't install Wordpress to test my theme. Is there another easy way to do it? I have photoshop, and notepad ++ both installed on my flash drive, but as far as I know there is no way to install Wordpress on a flash drive..
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There are a lot of blogging sites dedicated to celebrities (ex. Perez Hilton), love, fashion, travel, and food. But, how do I start one of my own specialty?.
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I am looking to start my own blog, but I want to make sure it is on a popular site where people will read it. I plan on discussing sports, video games and whatever else is interesting at the time. What are the best/most popular sites to blog on?.
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I have a food blog on blogger and I would like to add a option to make it easy for people to print my recipes. Any help? I have looked at the few places the net has up but they do not seem to be good nor work. Thank you..
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I have a Mac and use the latest version of Firefox. I want the download window to stop popping up every time i save like a picture or something. For instance when i save a picture i see in firefox, the download window pops up saying what i've downloaded and stuff. How do i get that pop up window to stop popping up everytime i save something to my computer (like a picture) in Firefox? I can't find anything in preferences in firefox either. PLEASE HELP!.
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How come Firefox displays a weird character when it should show a word?
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I'm looking for a nice digital camera under or around $200 for the purpose of blogging (as in wordpress, blogger, etc). I'm trying to get a blog which will be based around the daily photos I take despite the fact that I'm not really a photographer but only doing it for fun. Any cool features like video would also be great but mainly I'm just looking for something I can take quality pictures, and that will hopefully hide my total amateur abilities. . . Thanks guys!.
374. Posted by winter moth treatment   2014年09月03日 17:16
I always used to think that, while, the first word meant a person who blogs, the second word stood for a blog hosting site! Now, I am utterly confused because my uncle tells me, that both of them are the same hosting site for those who blog with Google using blogger/blogspot! Can somebody with authentic knowledge please help me resolve my doubt? Please take my question seriously and "I earnestly request" Y!A members to respond with discreet academic answers, following community guidelines..
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For instance, major music stores like iTunes are not available in Asia and US TV networks which let viewers see programmes on their website don't make such programmes available to viewers outside the US. This is even if people are willing to pay to download or see the content.. Isn't an online store or channel where content is legitimately distributed globally possible?. If the government is responsible for restricting distribution, which government are we talking about? The government in the country where the content is produced or the government in the country where the content is to be imported to?.
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How does one copyright an article or story and what is the cost?
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I have a Blogspot blog, and I want that any time I publish a new post on my blog, a link to the new post will automatically be added to my Facebook news feed. Is there anyway to do this?.
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I opened up a blogspot website and when I closed it 15 or so new windows opened back up to the same site. Why did that happen? Was it a virus?. Will it hurt my computer? How do I find it and get rid of it? I am running 2 virus scans right now but if those do not find it, how do I find it?.
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What degree could I get involving music AND creative writing?
382. Posted by business help   2014年09月04日 23:51
I'm trying to build a membership website and people have told me that Joomla works best. I have downloaded Joomla and don't know what to do from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Does this cover PHP as well or do I need to download that?.
383. Posted by nutrition articles   2014年09月05日 11:57
I have clients and associates that would find the article helpful. Is it ok to forward the article without getting into trouble? Usually the articles are sent out to the public as a newsletter or an rss feed. I am not changing it or hiding the author, simple sending and saying "this might be of interest to you.".
384. Posted by advertise   2014年09月05日 14:04
How do you protect articles put on a website against copyright infringement?
385. Posted by cara cepat menghilangkan jerawat dan bekasnya   2014年09月05日 17:48
Is it possible to convert a two column Joomla template into a three column one?
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I'm looking for a Wordpress magazine theme that let's te readers subscribe to a newsletter. How do I find out if a template can do that? When I look at the demos I never come across this function. Thanks!.
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Do you blog? Do you blog to advertise items you are selling? I am rather new to the blogging world. I mainly blog to advertise products that I am selling and websites that I am selling on. How do I get traffic to my blog? Do I basically just need to add content? Does my blog get picked up in the search? Any advice on blogging is very much needed.. Hello, yes I mention it on my twitter account and also my other web-sites..
389. Posted by cara bekas jerawat   2014年09月06日 03:48
How can I change to fluid width in the New Blogger Template Designer?
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How to create own radio streaming and add the radio into my blogspot? can you give me step by step?
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How do i put music playing on my wordpress homepage?
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In Mozilla Firefox how do you customize the toolbars to different colors and styles?
393. Posted by losing weight fast   2014年09月06日 16:26
If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google?
394. Posted by advertising   2014年09月06日 22:17
Can you translate and post articles online from foreign news/magazines without fear of copyright infringement?
395. Posted by harga matras comforta   2014年09月07日 00:47
I've heard that there are some issues with character limits on the PS3 web browser. Has this problem been fixed? Would I be able to type out long blog posts on the PS3 web browser?.
396. Posted by produsen boneka murah   2014年09月07日 08:10
Thing is, I've just migrated to Wordpress. However, I have a number of people who have subscribed to my feeds from my blogger blog. What should I do to ensure that they now receive updates from my Wordpress blog? . . FYI, I have a feedburner account..
397. Posted by cara menghilangkan jerawat batu dan bekasnya   2014年09月07日 09:11
I just went on Blogspot and made a blog, I want to make it for invited members only. I've seen blogs like that, but I don't know how to do it myself. I already made it so that my blog isn't visible from my profile, but I don't know what to do next..
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I need to know how to view my posts or comments on other peoples blogs. Is there anywhere I could go to get a list of all my posts? . . Any help appreciated..
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In Firefox - How to open in new tab automatically when I click a bookmark?
400. Posted by harga spring bed paling murah   2014年09月07日 12:17
Hi,. I have a question that I hope will have a simple answer. I have a wordpress blog and right now my side navigation menu is on the right side. I would like for the menu to be on the left side. Can someone please tell me how I would go about doing this, in simple terms, please? . . Or point me in the direction of a resource that tells me how to do it?. . Thanks so much ya'll!.
401. Posted by jual sofa   2014年09月07日 12:55
I have just downloaded Joomla Stand Alone Server (JSAS) but i havent seen or set the password for the administrator console within.. I wondered whether or not there is a default username/password for this, if so, what is it?. . Thanks.
402. Posted by tas distro keren   2014年09月07日 15:52
i want to put the blog comment approval on my myspace, but i cant figure out how to do it. some one please help. .
403. Posted by jual tas online   2014年09月07日 15:52
I'm curious how creative writing instructors at colleges and universities handle students who write about really disturbing things and who seem potentially dangerous to themselves and others? Are instructors privy to students' mental health records? Do they let such students get away with violent or disturbing writing in an effort NOT to stir too much trouble? Do you become proactive in trying to help these students? Do you undergo training to deal with problem students? As a creative writing student at a university, I often see disturbing stuff brought into workshops. I'm wondering what the profs think of all this. Thanks to any answers!.
404. Posted by harga bigland springbed   2014年09月07日 18:17
So I accidentally deleted the joomla folder. But the database its still there untouched..Is it posible that I re-install joomla and connect it with the old database and have all my articles and files back as it was?.
405. Posted by jasa buat boneka   2014年09月08日 02:24
Any ideas of what I can write about? What would you be interested in reading? And how can I get people to see it?.
406. Posted by spring bed medan   2014年09月08日 07:23
So I'm obviously new to the site. I figured out how to customize my blog page but now I need some help learning how to delete the posts that seem to automatically be there as examples and create my own..
407. Posted by bed bug bite treatment   2014年09月08日 08:42
I am constantly signing in and out of my college website and it is rather annoying to always have to type in my user id. It used to be saved, but then I updated Firefox and it won't save.. . If anyone could explain to make Firefox remember that would be great. Thanks..
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How I Can make my article copyright marked?Who is authorized agency for copyright articles?
409. Posted by site link   2014年09月08日 12:24
I have a WordPress blog and what I need is to rotate my blog posts over and over with a preset time interval. And also I'd like to shuffle my posts. Would RSS feeds pick up the rotated blog posts as new ones? Does someone have this PHP code? Thanks.
410. Posted by harga kasur busa central   2014年09月08日 17:08
What information technologies could we use to make it easier to keep track of when new blog posts were made and which blog posts we had read and which we haven't read? Please be precise.
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Other than blogger what are good blog sites teens can use?
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Blogspot blog: How do I get rounded corners for my backgrounds?
413. Posted by homeopathic treatment for hpv   2014年09月09日 00:29
How do I start a blog and own the domain?
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Where can I find blogging websites that deal with legal issues?
415. Posted by like it   2014年09月09日 03:46
I have a blogger blog with a custom domain set up. I want to export it to a hosted wordpress blog. Some of my posts have good ranks with google and I don't want to mess that up. My new WP blog will be the .net of my custom blogger domain so the permalinks will technically change if I import the old posts...any ideas how to get around this?.
416. Posted by hp android terbaik 2014   2014年09月09日 04:52
I have a Joomla website and already set up a Google Analytics account, now how do I add the code to my website so that it will keep track of visitors etc to every page? Thanks!.
417. Posted by visit this website   2014年09月09日 05:43
In general, how many blog posts have images out of all the blog posts in all blogs?. I'm looking for an average number for the US and worldwide..
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419. Posted by antutu oppo find 7   2014年09月09日 15:59
I was thinking of starting a blog so I did some research into it on the internet and came across a lot of stuff that talks about legal issues and blogging. I'm not planning on blogging about controversial issues, (my blog would focus on posts about books, movies, culture, theater, music etc, and all material would be solely my own opinions) so what legal issues are involved with blogging? . Should I write a copyright disclaimer or are blog disclaimers actually worthless?.
420. Posted by oppo find 7 transformer edition   2014年09月09日 16:28
How do I start website for the sole purpose of redirecting people to another website?
421. Posted by check out this site   2014年09月09日 17:25
I love reading personal blogs, Mommy blogs, etc. . . What is the best way to find these types of blogs online? The best method I have is just following favorites people have - going to one bloggers "favorites" then the next bloggers favorites, and so forth.. . I've tried Google Blogsearch but all that gives me is old news articles, etc. Nothing personal at all.. . How do you search for personal blogs?.
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424. Posted by seo small business   2014年09月10日 04:07
I want to have a secret blogspot page, but some people I know have been able to find my URL via a Google there a way I can prevent this? I don't want anyone to be able to realistically find the URL unless I give it to them. . . (Please don't suggest that I switch to another blog site.) . . Thanks!.
425. Posted by green coffee beans diet   2014年09月10日 05:15
Where are some good places to get good free blogger templates?. I know of pyzam but I would like to search others, what are some good sites?.
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How do I post to my wordpress blog from my desktop, without 3rd party software?
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How do I copyright the title and the content of an international online newspaper?
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If I start a blog on Myspace, will it get listed in search engines like Google?
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Is a URL for copyrighted web content also covered by the copyright?
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How do I start a blog and own the domain?
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I work for a company that is wanting to e-mail some of our media contacts from our Press Release blog posts. The main problem I am running into is finding a service that doesn't require opt-in. Does anybody have any suggestions?.
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How can I access my home computer that is hooked up to a router through my work computer to view webcam?
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How do I copy my Wordpress blog onto my computer so I can locally edit and try out plugins before publishing?
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Flash is already installed on my work computer, however firefox is not communicating with it for some odd reason. I can not reinstall flash because like i said this is my works computer, therefore i need admin rights to install flash. So how can i make Firefox work with the flash thats already been installed by admin?. . thanks!.
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I'm just having this crazy idea, I'm planning to post comic pages or strips on Blogger, since its generating revenue from Google Adsense, I might profit from this, hehe (me gloating like an alien Ferengi). Will this idea work?.
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442. Posted by Monument Capital Group   2014年09月11日 21:05
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I have a blogspot account. I want to be able to see what state, country my visitors are from..
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